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Covid-19 Effects on Students

Covid-19, Corona Effect, Education System,Lockdown Effects on Education,E-learning, June 2020 Exams, CBSE, ICSE


On date 24 March 2020, the Government of India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi began the nationwide lockdown of 21 days. But when the lockdown period was about to end, on 14 April 2020, PM Modi extended the lockdown until 3 May 2020 and then again until 17 may 2020.

After 17th May, some relaxations came for the factories, industries and business activities under some strict norms to be followed, but for the schools, colleges, institutes, gyms the lockdown is still going on. The educational institutes were closed for more than 3 months in India. The board exams of 10th and 12th classes are still not completed and graduate, under graduate and post-graduate examinations have not been started.

Some States and universities have ordered to pass all their students to their next term/semester but most of the students are still in confusion about whether the exam will take place by the universities or not.

This confusion is very depressing for many students and their parents. They can’t move on to the advanced classes that is next year/semester and are having trouble in deciding what to do.

According to UNICEF, 134 countries are implementing nationwide closures and 38 are implementing local closures, impacting about 98.5% of the world’s student population.

So most of the students sitting home going through online classes or mid semester tests and practicals are finding it hard to cope with new ways of learning and taking exams. Students can’t prepare for the exams as it is unclear to them whether the exams will take place or not.. They can’t search for other courses or move on to jobs and businesses as it is unclear for them whether the exams will take place or not.

The best idea for graduate students who will move onto master courses or jobs is to improve their skills, the skills can be of speaking, English, technical aspects of their graduate courses that is for commerce students to learn TALLY or ERP, for Computer Students to learn programming, designing, or cloud computing, and for science and arts students to learn more about applied physics, prepare for government job examinations..

The Covid-19 crisis will lead to huge downturn in economic activity. Most of the organizations of all shapes and sizes are taking a massive hit. We seem to be heading inevitably into a deep global recession. For the next 2 years or so, the aviation industry, hospitality industry, managers, small-scale businesses, hotels, construction companies will see lots of job loss or salary cuts. For Newcomers related to these industry, will be very hard to enter, stay and earn well.

Suggestions for school students, will be to move on for the new classes as the chances of examinations are very less because of the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases. Learn online, stay ahead of your course syllabus by starting the syllabus early by joining online classes.

Suggestions for Graduate students, will be to improve their technical and communication skills.  Learn some programming or basics related to computers, as the computers will become part of their life. Prepare for the interviews and entrance exams related to the jobs and higher educations. Here are some links to join online courses and improve your skills:


·         LinkedIn Learning





Picture Credit: Gunjan Bhayana

Referrence from the sites:

Article by Naveen Coaching Classes