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Programming C/C++

File opening modes and manipulators-Day13

14 min 54sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cplusplus #OOPS #Files #FILEHANDLING #MANIPULATORS #FILEOPENINGMODES In this video tutorial, i will cover the topics like File opening modes, i will explain the syntax and program of file opening modes. then i will discuss file manipulators methods seekg, tellg, seekp and tellp. i will explain their purpose and guide you through a program, At the end i will teach you a program of coping the contents of 1 file in to another file
File Handling c++

12min 32sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #OOPS #FILES #Cplusplus In this video tutorial, i will cover the file handling topic. i will start with explaining the purpose of file handling and how the files are maintained and what are files. Then i will explain about stream classes. will explain you the steps in implementing file handling. I will explain the working of program to read and write data in the file using ifstream and ofstream classes.
Virtual Functions-This Pointer-Day11 Easy Programming

20min 24sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cplusplus #OOPS #polymorphism #runtimepolymorphism #virtualfunctions #purevirtualfunctions #purevirtual #pointerinderivedclass In this video tutorial, i will cover the topics like pointers in class ad object, what is this pointer and how it works. I will then continue explaining about Run time polymorphism. What is pointer in derived classes and what are the restrictions in using them, i will explain virtual functions and will write program of that. In the end i will explain about pure virtual functions.
C++ Day 10 Type Conversion

15min 05sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #oops #C++ #Typeconversion #classtobasic #basictoclass #classstoclass #codeguru #programmingknowledge #education4u In this video tutorial, i will cover the topics like type conversion. Casting basic data type to class data type, class to basic data type and class to class type conversion. I will write the programs of all three type conversions.
Easy Programming Day 9 Operator overloading

19min 35sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #learnc #learncplusplus #operatoroverloading #binaryoperatoroverloading In this video tutorial, i will cover the topics like compile time polymorphism and operator overloading. i will cover the rules and syntax of operator overloading. i will explain the program of unary and binary operator overloading. i will also write and explain the comparison operator overloading.
Easy Programming Day8-Function Overloading

15min 26sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: In this video tutorial, i will cover the topics like polymorphism, what is compile time polymorphism and what is run time polymorphism then i will explain what is constructor overloading and function overloading. i will always write a program of function overloading.
C++ tutorial Day7-inline,friend and Static function

30min 04sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cplusplus #OOPS #Objectorientedprogramming #Friendfunction #inlinefunction #staticfunctions #macros In this video tutorial, i will cover all the important functions of C++ language. I will start with explaining Macros of C language followed by the inline functions, will give the example of an inline function, followed by the static variable and static function with the programming example of both. I will also explain friend function and write the program of friend function in single class as well as friend function in 2 classes.
Easy Programming Day6-Ambiguity-Virtual Keyword-Constructors in subclass

26min 17sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cplusplus #Cprogramming #Inheritance #ambiguity #constructorinchildclass #virtualkeyword #mysirg #programmingknowledge #education4u In this video tutorial, i will continue the topic of inheritance, i will start with explaining about private,public and protected mode of inheritance. then i will cover ambiguity in single level and multiple inheritance, followed by path ambiguity, i will tell the solution of ambiguity. at the end of this video i will teach constructors in child class, parameterized constructors in child class and how to call them
asy Programming C++-Day5 Inheritance

33min 57sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cprogramming #Cplusplus #Inheritance #programinheritance #singlelevel #multiplelevel #hybrid #mysirg #ProgrammingKnowledge ##education4u In this video tutorial i will discuss the important feature of OOPS that is Inheritance. I will start with explaining the reasons for opting the inheritence. then i will teach the syntax and other rules of inheritance. I will explain different types of inheritance in c++. then write program for each type of inheritance. Single level inheritance, Multi level Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Hybrid inheritance
Easy Programming C++-Day4 Constructors and Destructors

30min 01sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #Cprogramming #Cplusplus #Constructors #Destructors #Copyconstructor #DynamicConstructors #easyprogramming #objectorientedprogrammming #oops #oop conceptsIn this video tutorial i will explain constructors and destructors. i will start with why we need constructors, what is constructor, types of constructor, default constructor, parameterized constructor, copy constructor, dynamic constructors. then i will create a program and implement all these constructors, i will explain destructors as well and how to call them and use them.
Easy Programming C++-Day3 scope resolution, static member functions, array of objects

43min 14sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #C #Cplusplus #OOPs #Scope #static #instance #arrayofobjects #bankproject #bankmgtsystem In this video tutorial i will cover the topics like member functions inside the class and member function outside the class, scope resolution, Array of objects, Accessing Members using array of objects, static members and static functions. I will write a program where we will perform basic functions of Bank. Like creating, depositing, withdrawing and displaying
Easy Programming Day2 Class, Object, Access Specifier

23min 50sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: #clanguage #c++ #Cplusplus #class #object #accessspecifier #private #public #protected In this video tutorial i will explain what is a class, object and access specifier, How to create methods and variables inside the class. Followed by the object declaration and accessing the data of class using object, I will create the program of class and object and will give you the work as well.
Easy Programming Day 6

20min 53sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: nesting of loops. Printing program of patterns, what is while and do while loop and what is the difference between while and do while loop, break statement , continue statement, goto statement, unconditional goto statement
Easy Programming Day5

22min 14sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: what is a loop. how many type of loops are there in c and c++ language. what is initialze, condition, increment/decrement part. program to print the table of given number, program to find the factorial of the given number
Easy Programming Day4

22min 23sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: Control flow statements. if-else, basic rules of implementing if -else, what mistakes one should not do while working with if-else and switch-case. programs of switch-case and if-else, break keyword, some programming practices for if-else and switch-case.
Easy Programming Day3

27min 54sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: implicit and explicit type casting, operators, arithmetic, Relational, Increment, decrement and Ternary Operators, area of circle, program practice, Bit-wise Operators. Some programming practices like swapping of 2 numbers with and without 3rd variable.
Easy Programming Day2 {Part2}

12min 22sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: How to declare a variable, how to use printf and scanf functions, create simple programs to perform basic math calculations like add and find the average of 3 numbers, what is data types,how to use it. how to use conversion specifiers
Easy Programming Day2 {Part1}

14min 52sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: Explaining how to work in c language. Dividing the program into 3 parts(input ,logic,output). Tokens in c language Keywords, Variables, Data Types, Identifiers, Constants How to use them in a program
Easy Programming Day1 {Part2}

9min 42sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: Beginning from basics how the compiler and interpreter work and 1st program in C language.Meaning of header files.what to place void main or int main()what is return 0;getch(); what is printf
Easy Programming Day1 {Part1}

9min 44sec

  • Programming C/C++
Description: Beginning from basics how the compiler and interpreter work and 1st program in C language.Binary Languages, Assembler, Compiler , Interpreter,Rules of Programming Language