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Programming Languages For Starters

Computer Programming Languages To Learn, Starters Course for Programmers, Computer Programming Languages To Learn, Starters Course for Programmers, Best Programming Languages to Learn, Easy Programming Languages to Learn, Languages for Freshmen

Programming Languages For Starters

After completing the higher secondary education, many of the students switch to Computer Science (CS) or Information Technology (IT) field.

The students are suggested by their parents, friends or relatives about the pros of the CS field. They are told that the highest paid jobs in the coming years are in the CS and IT fields. As soon as they start their first year, they realize that the CS field is not as easy as they thought. They have to face one of the programming languages in first year, which they have never heard of till now, because they have opted for Physical education or music as their additional subjects in their senior secondary.

And in the first year, they realize their mistake of not opting for computer subject as an option. They have to give the exam of a subject, within 6 months that they have never heard of before. They find it hard and most often get their reappear in first year.

And in the following years, they have to study more programming subjects and find it difficult to cope with the subject’s syllabus.

The first suggestion to the higher secondary students is to go for computer as their additional subject, though they will find it hard, but it will prepare them for their Graduation in Computer Science or IT field. Parents and Students please do not go for higher percentages, but instead go for quality of your education and pick subjects that will be beneficial for you in future.

Here I will suggest some easy programming languages that students should begin learning on their own or from some online sources and then pick up the pace for tough programming languages.

Python is gaining popularity faster than any other programming language. Python can be used to create simple Desktop Applications and Web Development to advanced Applications like Machine Learning and AI based Applications.

One can get lots of online material to learn and work with for python language.

  1.   Python Logo Python: For simple reason, the syntax of the language is like English, you don’t have to worry about the {],[], () and ; symbol. Starters will find it easy to work with.

Python is gaining popularity faster than any other programming language. Python can be used to create simple Desktop Applications and Web Development to advanced Applications like Machine Learning and AI based Applications.

One can get lots of online material to learn and work with for python language 

  1. javascript   Javascript: Javascript is a must to implement on any web-based application. Javascript is cross-platform compatible, and you do not have to install any software for Javascript. You can write the programs in simple text editors like Notepad, or you can use some helping text editors like Sublime or Notepad++. Javascript is not a compiled language so you don’t have to worry about how the programs are interpreted by the machines.

Many Javascript Frameworks are popular and offer highly paid jobs.

One can build his/her professional career in these frameworks. Some Popular frameworks are: Angular JS, Node JS, React or Ember.

  1.  java languageJAVA   Don’t confuse Java with Javascript. Java is a programming language and Javascipt is a scripting language. The thinking process for programmers can be learnt from the Java language.

For Engineering students of CS and IT stream or BCA/MCA students Java is a must! Students should start early with this programming language. It is very popular and provides consistent and highly paid job opportunities.

Java can be used to build Android Applications, back-end web development and desktop software.


  1. c and c++    C and C++ Programming are bases for many programming languages. They are great introductory programming languages. Most of the CS and IT streams, start with C/C++ Programming.

This programming language can be used to learn the concept of Object Oriented (OOPS). As compared to Java and Python, OOPs concept of C++ are strong and easy to implement and understand.

C and C++ are used popularly in Game Development, Mobile, and Desktop Applications Development.

  1.  Ruby On RailsRuby on Rails: For web based applications, Ruby on Rails is the best. Ruby is easy to learn and implement as compared to many other frameworks.

If one is planning to implement online shopping or business website, he/she will find it easy to work here. One will not require a professional developer to work.


Ruby on Rails is open-source software, so not only is it free to use, but you can also help make it better.


Picture Credit: Gunjan Bhayana


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Article by Naveen Coaching Classes